Social media a modern addiction it's dangerous effects for human society


What can be defined as addiction?

. In simple words, an addiction to something that makes a person unaware of his surroundings...or a habit of something that makes him anxious when he doesn't get addict lives in a strange world and situation. which is completely different from the real world... Addiction gradually destroys human life, nature and natural abilities in an unknown way and brings man to the point where he becomes a man and an animal. It doesn't matter... the condition of an addicted person is pitiable, but does he become a burden on the society and also on his family... These are the definitions of addiction that we all have heard so far.

So what is the new addiction? ...

All of us or at least 80% of people don't want it, but they are addicted to a modern, unknown, invisible addiction.... an addiction that has ruined our lives so much that we didn't even realize it... It destroyed the roots of our society, but we didn't even regret it... This addiction is a thousand times more dangerous and destructive than cocaine or hashish, because all the other addictions are also possible to treat and their spread is also a problem. It is to a certain extent.. But the victim of this modern addiction is the whole society..
You must have understood exactly what I am talking about....exactly I am talking about social media believe it has become an addiction. .... Addiction is also a dangerous addiction.. such an addiction that is biting everyone in the form of a dragon.... which has spoiled the condition of our society, yet no one is talking about controlling it. ..... Let me state a fact for your information that last year not so many people died from hashish as there were on rivers and canals making pictures for Tik Tok...... There were not so many disputes over financial corruption as For not liking a post on Facebook...

What is the solution to this problem?

It is very sad because at this time this most dangerous problem is not being considered as a problem at all. What awareness will the government spread among the people when the government itself is badly trapped in this drug addiction.. That is, those who treat themselves are curable... The problem is that we've are not considering this a real issue. When we are not considering a problem as a problem then how can we tackle it. My dear humans now the question is for our survival. Because this addiction is becoming more death full to us. As a human society we should draw some red lines regarding social media we should control social media not should be in control of social media ... Now see what happens next.. It will become more clear with time. . One thing is clear that if this addiction is not taken seriously and no concrete measures are taken, then we will not have time to regret because we will not even have the sense to regret. There is still time to control this addiction for the survival of a human society




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