Sheik Junaid Baghdadi once went for a visit through Baghdad with his supporters and pupil.




Sheik Sahib said, I'm managing this psycho. Has anybody seen him today?

One said, I have seen him at such and such a spot. Everybody went toward that spot. Hazrat Bahlul was staying there on the sand.
Sheik Sahib welcomed Bahlul. Bahlul addressed him and asked, Who are you?

Sheik sai, the worker is called Junaid Baghdad;, Bahlul said the person who instructs individuals? He said OK,alhamdulillahh.
 Bahlul aske....
"Does the Sheik know the habits of eating?"
They said, Say Bismillah, eat before you, take a little chomp, eat with straight hands, bite well, don't take a gander at others's nibbles, recollect Allah, say Alhamdulillah, and clean up first and last.Bahlul said, Be a guideforf individuals and don't have the foggiest idea about the habits ofgobbling.gGett up from that point and stroll forward.


1.Sheik Sahib additionally went behin;, the fans demanded, Sir, he is insane, yet Sheik Sahib then arrived thereand wasd afterward welcomed.
2.Bahlul addressed theaudienceo and afterward asked, "Wo are you?* said JunaidBaghdadi,i who doesn't have the foggiest idea abouteatinge habitg.
3."Bahlul asked,Youu should know the habits of talking well.*Indeed, Alhamdulillah, talk as indicated by the recipient; don't talk improperly, awkwardly, or thoughtlessly; deal with the outward and internal. 🌹 * Bahlul said*........Food to food, you don't have the foggiest idea how to speak. Bahlul then, at that point, cleaned his feet, strolled somewhat further, and plunked down.
4.Sheik Sahib then went thereand wasd welcomed. Bahlul returned the hello, then posed a similarinquiry.*Who are you?* Sheik Sahib said, Junaid Baghdadi, who doesn't have the foggiest idea about the habits of eating and talking. 🌹*Bahlul,l let me know the habits of resting wel.?*
He expressed that after the Isha petition, zikr, tasbih, surah, and all habits referenced in the hadiths.
Bahlul said, "You don't actually know this. You simply needed to get up and stroll forward when Sheik Sahib got your leg and said, "On the off chance that I don't have the foggiest idea, then it is required for you to tell me.
5.Bahlul said that the habitsyou aredescribingg arephony,y and the genuine article is something different.
The guideline is whether what you are eating is halal or haram; regardless of how much you eat the haram piece, it will carry haziness into the heart, as opposed to light and guidance.

 Sheik Sahib said, Jazak Allah:

Bahlul said that theessencee of the word is that anythingg that you say, express it for the delight and joy of Allah, on the off chance that you represent some common reasonor,r on the otherhand,d assuming you talk hogwash, it will end up being a terrible soul.*


The genuine significance of resting is that:

Look, don't lay down with scorn or desire of any adherent or Muslim in your hear;, don't lay down with the adoration for the worl;, stress over abundanc;, don't lay down with somebody's right on your neck. Remain

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