My words speak from the heart, I always write well and well,



 As a writer, I often find myself lost in a world of words.  When I put a pen to paper or type on a keyboard, I put my heart and soul into each sentence, carefully crafting each word to convey my thoughts and emotions.  However, I understand that not everyone can understand the true meaning of my writing.  And that's because I write from a place of feeling – something that can't always be translated into words.


 Writing has been my escape since childhood. 

Whether it's writing in my journal or crafting fictional stories, I find comfort in describing myself through words.  It wasn't until I started sharing my writing with others that I realized that not everyone could understand the depth and complexity of my writing.  At first, I was disappointed.  How can understanding what I felt was so obvious be so complicated for others?


 But over time,

I learned that my writing style was unique because it came from a place of pure emotion.  I write to instill emotions in others, write them to think and reflect on their own lives.  My words are not just a product of my imagination, but also a reflection of my experiences, beliefs and values.  And that's why not everyone understands what I write – because they don't have the same perspective and emotions as me.

 Just as everyone is different,

so is their understanding of writing.  Some may appreciate flowery language and descriptive metaphors, while others may prefer a more straightforward style.  And that's perfectly fine.  As a writer, I've accepted that my words can't resonate with everyone, and that's not something I should be ashamed of.  If anything, it makes my writing authentic and real.



there are times when I want my writing to be easy to understand.  When I write about personal topics or delve into complex concepts, I know that not everyone will fully understand the meaning behind my words.  It's a tenuous feeling to put your inner thoughts on display and not fully understand them.  But then I remembered that I did not write to understand-I wrote to share myself with the world.


 And perhaps,

this is the beauty of writing-it is subjective.  Each person can interpret a piece of writing in their own unique way based on their experiences and feelings.  That's why some people may link to my writing while some may not.  And that's perfectly fine because when I write I'm not looking for universal approval or understanding – I write for myself and for people who belong to my words.


 Writing for feeling and emotions seems to some like a foreign concept.

  But for me, that's the only way I know how to write.  My words come out of the heart, and may not always make perfect sense for everyone, but they reflect who I am.  And that's something I'll always stand by and embrace as a writer.


 Not everyone can understand what I write,

but it's a part of the journey as a writer.  I believe that writing with feeling and emotion is what sets me apart, and that is what I will never apologize for.  My words may not always be easy to understand, but they come from a place of authenticity and sincerity.  And finally, isn't that really important?  As long as my writing resonates with only one person, I know I've done my job as a writer.


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