5 DIY Methods to change your home into smart home

A smart home is not only the home that moves automatically. Dude, take it easy with some smart gadgets of technology. When we talk about smart home it means that it is packed of all the modern technical devices.


These devices could either be merged in walls or used physically appeared. These devices or gadgets can make your lifestyle simpler and easier. However, it is not necessary to bring the whole system home.


You can start it all with some DIY tips from article.pk. So let’s discuss all the DIY techniques of making your home smart home;


  • Temperature and environment reading with Alexa

The first and foremost technical thing that can make your home smart is temperature speaking. If you are a developer then this thing is not a bigger task. Your daily using Alexa or Echo could be used to measure the humidity and temperature of home and then play it loudly.

The things which are used is board of echo or Alexa that collects data and some changing in coding. The other thing could be a temperature measure. So, try this DIY technique and get your home protected in case of fire or weather change. You can try out the whole technique from YouTube.


  • Automatic pool controlling system

So have you build a pool in your home or owns a professional place where you offer bathing in pool. Here is what you can make your whole system automated and smart. Through this technique you can make your pool’s lighting system, temperature of water and pump functions.

There is a lot more you can do with a Pi board and Adruino boards. Other things are window10 and IoT software. Utilizing all these things, you can make a proper setup and then utilize it perfect for all your smart home purposes.


  • Facial recognition door opening

Have you ever focused on your laptop that opens thoroughly after watching you. This technique is called facial recognition and it could be applied on all the security systems. Usually major organizations have already installed this service.

It protects intruders entering your home or safe place, the most improved technology in security. Some people also attach burglar alarms with that doors. You can do it the same way by using MinnowBoard Max, Window 10 IOT core software, Raspberry Pi.  Check out the video for complete technique.


  • Curtains opener at the timer

So you might have installed alarms to wake up in the morning, right? What about if i tell you another magical technique to open the curtains and you wake up!

Yes, there is a technique of DIY to make your curtains opening automatically. This technique let’s you opening curtains with some programming and a chip from LittileBits store. Get them according to the video and let your home turned smart home.


  • Smart LED bulbs

Smart technologies in home are becoming more evolved. There are many new products in the market that are cheap to buy and install. However, the very first thing that comes when you enter your home is LED bulb.


What if they are also smart and operates on the clicks or voice. Bring some from online stores, they are quite cheap. There is color schemes option and some voice controls with remote controlling.


You can setup according to your mobile timer and many other functions. So get home some of the smart LEDs and give an enchanting look to it.

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